Conference Speakers


Past Speakers

Dr. Barbara Łukaszewicz

Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland.

language conferences 2023

Topic: Foreign language and culture learning in crisis: Ukrainian learners of the Polish language in the aftermath of the war in Ukraine

Dr. Barbara Łukaszewicz is a researcher at the University of Warsaw, where she conducts classes in Polish as a foreign language and selected thematic areas of Polish culture (e.g. the course “Jewish Culture in Poland”). Main areas of her scientific and professional interest: methodology of teaching Polish language and culture as foreign ones, developing inter/cultural competence, cultural linguistics. She is an author of the book “Emotions – Culture – Language. Expressing Negative Emotions in Polish Glottodidactics” (University of Warsaw Press: 2022, ISBN: 978-83-235-5718-0), a workbook and exercise book for learning Polish as a foreign language at intermediate level “Rely on Polish!” (START Polish Press: 2022, ISBN: 978-83-957525-8-2) and over 20 published research papers.

language conferences

Prof. Fawzi Al Ghazali Bio

Fawzi Al Ghazali is a distinguished scholar, currently serving as the Professor of Applied Linguistics at MBZUH, Abu Dhabi, UAE. His research interests encompass Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Learner Autonomy, and Language Acquisition. He has received prestigious accolades such as the Abu Dhabi University Research Award in 2015 and The Middle East Educational Leadership Award in 2017.

language conferences

Asst. Prof. Heléna Stakounis

Fawzi Al Ghazali is a distinguished scholar, currently serving as the Professor of Applied Linguistics at MBZUH, Abu Dhabi, UAE. His research interests encompass Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Learner Autonomy, and Language Acquisition. He has received prestigious accolades such as the Abu Dhabi University Research Award in 2015 and The Middle East Educational Leadership Award in 2017.

language conferences

Ms. Yanru Xin

Yanru Xin is a PhD candidate in the Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh, where she is researching ways to enhance learner experiences in CLIL classrooms and developing pedagogic approaches for bilingual learning after completing her MSc in TESOL at the same institution and gaining extensive experience as a language teacher in China.

language conferences

Ms. Nichét James-Gray

Nichét James-Gray, EdD, LAUSD teacher, with a research focus on nonstandard English speakers, particularly African American Vernacular English (AAVE). She is committed to fighting for equity in schools, promoting linguistic diversity and ensuring that all students have equal access to quality education. Her work aims to bridge language-related disparities in the educational system and create more inclusive learning environments.

language conferences

Ms. Ridmi Dasanayaka

Ridmi Dasanayaka, a holder of a Bachelor of Arts degree, specializing in Teaching English as a Second Language, is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Linguistics. She has experienced in over four years in teaching and academic coordination in different learner contexts. Her research interests are teacher education, linguistics, curriculum development, and the integration of education technology.

language conferences

Ms. Noura Almehaidly

She is a lecturer in Curriculum and Teaching Methods at Princess Nourah University in Saudi Arabia. She holds an MA degree in TESOL and Applied Linguistics from the University of Sheffield. Currently, she is a third-year PhD student in TESOL at the University of York. Her research interests include the study of speech acts, teaching pragmatics, analysis of EFL textbooks, and materials development.

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